
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Lady of Shadow and Silk

A Ventrue vampire finds lust, hunger, and unexpected connection in the glittering ballrooms of 1880s London. Society whispers of Lady Evelyn Ashford, the enigmatic beauty who moves through London's elite with icy grace. Yet, behind the flawless facade hides a monstrous need – one that draws her to another troubled soul amidst the glitter and scandal of a lavish soiree. nb. This story is based on the 'Vampire: The Masquerade' rules and set in 1880 Victorian England. However knowledge of the rules is not needed to enjoy the story and artwork! The London season swirled around me, a dazzling tempest of silks, jewels, and whispered ambitions. I, Lady Evelyn Ashford, moved through it all with the practiced ease of a seasoned predator, my own hunger hidden behind a mask of aristocratic hauteur. The facade was flawless, honed over decades - the very essence of Ventrue control. Tonight's hunt, however, required a delicate touch. My usual haunts – dockside taverns and shadowed al

The Hunt for the Emerald Enchantress

A billionaire leaves his world of luxury to unravel the secrets of a captivating Contessa. Adrian Thorne, a master of boardroom battles, faces his toughest challenge yet – winning back the heart of a woman who values authenticity over riches.  Their paths collide once more on the shores of Lake Como, where hidden truths and rekindled passions threaten to upend their carefully ordered worlds. Will their love story survive the unveiling of secrets? Document C-P/23-VNT.  Statement of Adrian Thorne.  Transcribed by Det. Lucia Rossi.  Please note, this is a rough, first-person outline of the events as relayed by Mr. Thorne, and may contain discrepancies as the investigation continues. The air in the interrogation room crackled with a different kind of tension than I was used to.  No boardrooms or high-stakes negotiations here, just bare walls and the sharp scent of stale coffee. Detective Rossi, all sharp angles and sharper eyes, waited for my story, her pen hovering above the notepad. I, A

From Wall Street to Wild Heart: A Man's Transformation

  He had money and status, but lacked the confidence to win the woman of his dreams. Enter an unlikely mentor... William was the epitome of a successful Wall Street banker – polished, wealthy, and utterly unremarkable when it came to women. But his desire for fiery, captivating Sarah burned deep, fueling a desperation to change. Then, a chance encounter with Jack, a man of rugged charisma, became a catalyst for an unexpected journey of self-discovery.  Join William as he sheds his buttoned-up persona and unleashes the confident, captivating man within. William had always been an observer rather than a participant in the dance of life. A successful investment banker, he possessed the trappings of a man of the world—the impeccably tailored suits, the luxury penthouse overlooking Central Park, a collection of vintage Scotch that would impress even seasoned connoisseurs. Yet, there was a hollowness within him, a nagging sense that he was merely going through the motions, a spectator watchi

The Billionaire, the PVC Queen, & the Art of Seduction

Power, desire, and the intoxicating allure of a woman who dares to be different. For the man who craves the extraordinary. Alexander Whitmore had conquered boardrooms and empires. But his latest challenge was far more seductive. Eleanor Davenport, heiress and visionary, was about to unleash a world of glossy defiance and forbidden thrills. Would this jaded billionaire risk everything for a taste of the unconventional? Alexander Whitmore, a name synonymous with calculated risk, relentless ambition, and a penthouse suite that overlooked Manhattan like a conquered kingdom, found himself oddly unsettled. Yes, the merger was a triumph, his latest venture poised to disrupt the tech landscape. Yet, a familiar emptiness lingered – the price paid for the single-minded pursuit of success. The invitation had arrived in an envelope of midnight-black paper, embossed with a single silver ‘E’.  An exclusive charity auction, the proceeds funding an audacious new art foundation headed by an enigmatic p

The Billionaire's Seduction: Satin, Leather, & Unexpected Surrender

A sophisticated gentleman's curated world unravels when confronted by a woman of extraordinary boldness and enigmatic desires. A lifetime of carefully crafted control shattered in the hush of Eleanor Davenport's secret chamber. The scent of exquisite leather lingered in the air as she whispered her challenge, eyes the color of deep emeralds promising unimaginable pleasures. Would Bartholomew, a man of wealth and meticulous taste, risk losing himself to gain everything he never knew he craved? The Cards Fall Bartholomew found himself oddly fascinated by the tarot cards. Casually, he reshuffled the deck and drew three, laying them facedown on the velvet cloth. Eleanor, watching him with those enigmatic emerald eyes, raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. "Feeling lucky, Bartholomew?" she purred, her voice laced with amusement. "Perhaps," he replied, a grin tugging at his lips. "Or perhaps I'm simply curious about what fate may have in store for a man wh

The Satin Disruption: A Love Unexpected

A successful woman's ordered world is forever changed by a man who sees the fire beneath her cool elegance. A successful woman's ordered world is forever changed by a man who sees the fire beneath her cool elegance.Eleanor Sinclair's life was a masterpiece of controlled elegance. Her emerald satin dress mirrored the refinement of her world – designer interiors, quiet luxury, and a meticulously crafted image. But a handsome, enigmatic man sensed a yearning for something more beneath her poised exterior. He vowed to be the catalyst that ignited the spark within her, setting both their hearts ablaze. My world had always been one of order and understated luxury.  Fine scotch, tailored suits, the hushed elegance of private art galleries – these were the trappings of a life well-lived for a single, mature, independant, luxury focused, and educated gentleman like myself.  'SMILE' they call us, and yes I have a lot to smile about. Yet, ever since encountering Eleanor Sincla

PVC and Profits: A Seductive Power Play

The aroma of freshly ground coffee and cinnamon rolls hung heavy in the air, a stark contrast to the steely glint in Fiona's emerald eyes. Perched on a stool at the corner of the quaint Parisian cafe, she was a study in controlled chaos. Her hair, a fiery mane of red curls, tumbled down her shoulders, framing the sharp angles of her face. The white PVC shirt, a daring choice for a casual coffee run, plunged low, revealing a hint of creamy skin and the promise of toned muscle beneath. The short white skirt, hugging the curves honed by years of dance training, ended a distance above her knees, accentuated by a black waistband that whispered of power.  A thousand tiny diamonds danced around her neck, catching the morning light and mirroring the steely resolve in her gaze. Every detail, from the designer stilettos tapping a restless rhythm against the floor to the perfectly manicured nails drumming on the marble countertop, spoke volumes about the woman she was: Fiona O'Connell, a

Defying Age: The Athlete in Vintage Nylon

Sarah, once a track and field star, let her dreams fade with the passing years. But at 45, with a vintage nylon running outfit and relentless spirit, she's reclaiming her power.  Age, expectations, even the storm – nothing can stop her. Witness the raw, captivating beauty of a woman rediscovering her fire. The rain came down in a shimmering curtain, turning the track into a glossy mirror that reflected the steely determination in Sarah's eyes. Most days, inclement weather would have kept her indoors, but today, it was a challenge, another obstacle to be conquered.   She shed her warmup jacket, revealing a form-fitting, vintage, nylon running outfit. Its cobalt blue shimmered with a vibrant intensity against the stormy backdrop. The shorts hugged her thighs, showcasing years of dedication, the long-sleeved top clinging to every curve without restricting her movement. Once the symbol of her youthful triumphs, this outfit was now her armor – a testament to her refusal to fade into

The Gilded Touch

Scene: A Parisian Patisserie A tale of quality ladies, forbidden desires, and the shimmering allure of Paris, where wealth and power ignite a passionate rivalry. The electric energy of the club was a luxurious symphony for my senses. My gaze snags on her the moment I enter. Across the room, her back is ramrod straight, a column of power clad in glossy, midnight-black PVC. Her hair, falling like a waterfall of fire to her shoulders, gleams in the chandelier's light. A modern-day empress amidst the plush velvet and gold-leaf decor. "Isabelle," whispers a voice at my side. It's Pierre, the night club's owner, his eyes alight with a mix of awe and something akin to nervousness. "Isabelle Chevalier. Rumor is, her family wealth would rival a small country." Wealth. It oozes from her like the scent of some rare, priceless perfume. My tongue traces my lips – blood orange and vanilla – a subconscious mirroring. Today of all days I'd opted for my most daring e