The Slaying at the Estate

Elizabeth and William were partners in a business that appraised and sold valuable art. They had a wonderful partnership, and they were very successful. Elizabeth was from a wealthy family. until her farther lost it all, and them committed suicide.  William was of low birth, self taught arts valuer through his love of beautiful things.

The only problem was, that dead bodies kept turning up. It was like they were some kind of amateur detective weekly show.

In this episode, Elizabeth and William were visiting one of Elizabeth's aunt's friends for a probate house content valuation for an old mansion.

The mansion was huge and rambling, and it was full of antiques and art. Elizabeth and William spent the day going from room to room, assessing the value of the items.

They were almost finished when they heard a scream from upstairs.

They both froze. "What was that?" William asked.

"I don't know," Elizabeth said. "But it came from upstairs."

They cautiously made their way upstairs, and they followed the sound of the scream to a bedroom.

The door to the bedroom was open, and they could see a woman standing in the middle of the room. She was wearing a long white nightgown, and her hair was wild.

"What's wrong?" Elizabeth asked.

The woman pointed to the bed. "He's dead," she said.

Elizabeth and William looked at the bed, and they saw the body of a man. He was lying on his back, and his eyes were open.

"It looks like he's been murdered," William said.

The woman nodded. "I found him like this when I woke up," she said.

Elizabeth and William called the police, and they stayed with the woman until they arrived.

The police investigated the scene, and they determined that the man had been stabbed to death. They didn't have any suspects, but they said that they would keep investigating.

Elizabeth and William were shaken by the experience, but they were determined to finish the appraisal. They spent the rest of the day going through the mansion, and they finished just before nightfall.

They packed up their things and left, and they didn't look back.

As they drove away, Elizabeth thought about the dead man. She wondered who had killed him, and why. She also wondered if they would be next.

But she knew that they had to finish the appraisal. They had a job to do, and they couldn't let anything stop them.

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