To Elina, in the Dance of Time and Fate

Beautiful Blonde in Romantic Satin Dress

In the hushed interlude between two heartbeats,
I found you, Elina, a dream mid-flight,
With hair of golden dawn and eyes so deep,
You became the North Star in my darkest night.

From afar, I've watched the seasons in your gaze,
The ebb of longing, the flow of hope that gleams,
In the spaces between our silent words,
I've built us castles, painted dreamscapes of dreams.

In a world that's vast, our paths intertwined,
A dance of closeness, then distance in refrain,
Yet every step apart, my heart pulls you near,
Like the shore yearns for the touch of the sea again.

With you, a future of endless sunlit days,
Where mornings start with verses, nights with a song,
Where laughter resonates in every corner,
And every moment feels where we truly belong.

A garden, our sanctuary, where roses bloom,
Beside daisies and lilies, under the moon's soft light,
Children's laughter, like a melody so sweet,
Echoing promises of endless love, holding tight.

Yet the dance continues, in this vast ballroom of fate,
Moments of intimacy, and distances that test,
But know this, Elina, through every ebb and flow,
In my heart, for you, it's an endless fest.

For a future with you, I patiently wait,
Envisioning days of joy, nights so divine,
And as time unfurls its grand tapestry,
I hope, Elina, you'll forever be mine.


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