Emotion Traders: The Price of Feelings

Beautiful Ginger Haired Woman Wearing Chrome and PVC Futuristic Uniform
In a future where emotions are currency, one empath uncovers a conspiracy that could change the world forever.

In the gleaming metropolis of Lumina, emotions are more than just feelings—they're a commodity. Extracted, bottled, and traded, these digital vials of joy, sorrow, and everything in between dictate the rhythms of society. Lila, a young empath working for the powerful Emotion Exchange Corporation, stumbles upon a conspiracy that threatens to enslave humanity to engineered emotions. With the help of a rogue trader, she embarks on a perilous journey to expose the truth and reclaim the essence of human experience. Welcome to a world where the true cost of feelings is measured in more than just currency.

Chapter 1: The Extractor's Burden

The city of Lumina, once a beacon of innovation and prosperity, now gleamed with an artificial, sterile sheen. Skyscrapers of sleek glass and steel pierced the sky, their exteriors reflecting the neon glow of countless advertisements. Below, the streets buzzed with a controlled chaos, citizens moving in a synchronized dance dictated by the EEC's pervasive influence.

Lila stood on the crowded platform of the MagLev station, clutching her worn satchel tightly. Her reflective silver uniform hugged her slender frame, the fabric shimmering under the station's harsh lights. Her fingers brushed against the polished surface of her extraction device, a reminder of the job that awaited her.

As the train approached, a gust of cool, synthetic air washed over her, carrying with it the scent of antiseptic and a faint hint of ozone. She stepped into the car, finding a spot amidst the throng of emotionless faces. Most wore the same silver uniforms, but a few adorned themselves in vibrant, glossy outfits – a display of wealth and access to positive emotions.

"Lila, over here!" a voice called.

Turning, Lila saw her friend Maya, dressed in a radiant emerald gown that sparkled like dew on a spring morning. Her auburn hair cascaded in soft waves, framing a face lit with a practiced smile.

"Maya," Lila replied, forcing a smile as she joined her. "You look stunning as always."

Maya laughed, the sound melodious yet hollow. "Thank you, darling. Perks of working for the higher-ups. We get first dibs on the best emotions." She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Have you heard? There's a new batch of joy coming in today. Rumor has it, it's the purest they've ever extracted."

Lila's stomach churned. "I haven't heard. I've been... busy."

Maya's eyes softened. "I know it's hard, Lila. But you have to keep going. One day, you might get a chance to move up. Imagine wearing something like this," she said, gesturing to her gown, "every day."

Lila nodded, though her heart wasn't in it. The train glided smoothly to their destination, the doors hissing open to reveal the bustling heart of the Emotion Exchange Corporation.

The EEC tower loomed ahead, an imposing structure of glass and steel. Inside, the air was crisp and heavily scented with artificial lavender, designed to evoke calmness. Workers scurried about, their expressions as polished as their uniforms.

Lila and Maya entered the extraction chamber, a cavernous room filled with rows of sleek, high-tech chairs. The walls were lined with glowing vials of emotions, each one labeled and categorized. Lila took her place at one of the chairs, her extraction device humming softly in her hands.

"Ready for another day of emotional labor?" Maya asked, her tone light but her eyes betraying concern.

Lila sighed. "As ready as I'll ever be."

She placed the device against the temple of the first subject, a man in his mid-thirties, his eyes dull and lifeless. The machine whirred to life, drawing out strands of his emotions – fear, anxiety, sadness – each one glowing faintly before being siphoned into a vial.

"Lila," Maya said softly, "you have a gift. You can make a difference."

Lila met her friend's gaze, a flicker of determination igniting within her. "Maybe someday," she whispered, as she continued her work, each extraction a silent protest against the world she was trapped in.

As the day wore on, Lila couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The new batch of joy Maya had mentioned was indeed purer than anything she'd seen before. But there was something off about it – a strange undertone that made her uneasy.

"Excuse me," she said, stopping a passing technician. "This new batch... where did it come from?"

The technician shrugged, his expression indifferent. "Just another breakthrough from the higher-ups. They say it's going to revolutionize the market."

Lila nodded, but her mind raced. She knew she had to find out more. As the last subject of the day left her chair, she slipped the vial of unprocessed joy into her satchel. Whatever was going on, she was determined to uncover the truth.
Stay tuned for the next thrilling installment of Emotion Traders on the SatinLovers' blog! In Part 2, follow Lila and Rafe as they delve deeper into the shadowy world of the Emotion Exchange Corporation, uncovering secrets that will shake Lumina to its core. Don't miss out on the twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Visit the SatinLovers' blog soon for more captivating adventures!


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