Emotion Traders: The Price of Feelings - Chapter 2 & 3

Beautiful Beautician wearing Silver Beauticians Uniform
Chapter 2: The Unravelling

Part 2 of the "Emotion Traders" story. Part one can be found on the SatinLovers blog

The synthetic lavender scent of the EEC tower still lingered in Lila’s nostrils as she slipped out of the building, the stolen vial of raw, unprocessed joy burning a hole in her satchel. Her heart pounded with a mix of fear and determination. She couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that this vial held the key to something far more sinister than the pure joy it promised.

Navigating the crowded streets of Lumina, Lila kept her head low, her silver uniform blending into the sea of similarly clad workers. She headed towards the shadowy fringes of the city, where the neon lights faded into dim alleyways and the reach of the EEC’s surveillance cameras grew thin.

Lila ducked into a narrow alley, her breath coming in quick gasps. She needed to find Rafe. He was her only hope of understanding what she had stumbled upon. But finding him was no small feat—Rafe operated in the darkest corners of Lumina, a ghost in the system, trading emotions without the EEC's watchful eye.

As she turned a corner, a pair of gloved hands grabbed her, pulling her into the shadows. Lila struggled, but the grip was firm. A voice hissed in her ear, "What do you think you’re doing with that vial?"

Her captor spun her around, and she found herself face to face with a tall figure dressed in a dark trench coat, a hood casting his features in shadow. His piercing green eyes, however, were unmistakable.

"Rafe," she breathed, relief washing over her. "I need your help."

He released her, stepping back but not lowering his guard. "And why should I help you, Lila? What have you gotten yourself into this time?"

Lila hesitated, then pulled the vial from her satchel. "I found this at the EEC. It’s supposed to be a new batch of pure joy, but there’s something wrong with it. I think they’re planning something big, something dangerous."

Rafe eyed the vial warily. "You’re playing a dangerous game, girl. The EEC doesn’t take kindly to thieves."

"I didn’t have a choice," Lila insisted. "Please, Rafe. I need to know what’s in this vial. I need to stop whatever they’re planning."

Rafe's expression softened slightly, but he remained cautious. "What’s in it for me?"

Lila bit her lip, then reached into her satchel again, pulling out a small vial of shimmering golden liquid. "I’ll trade you this. It’s a rare blend of contentment and nostalgia. You won’t find anything like it on the market."

Rafe’s eyes widened in appreciation. "You’ve been holding out on me, haven’t you?" He took the vial from her, inspecting it closely. "Alright, Lila. I’ll help you. But we need to move fast. The EEC will be looking for you."

Lila nodded, the weight of the situation pressing down on her. She followed Rafe through the winding alleys, their path illuminated only by the occasional flicker of malfunctioning streetlights. They eventually arrived at a rundown building on the outskirts of the city, a forgotten relic from a time before emotions were commodified.

Inside, Rafe led her to a hidden room filled with old-world tech—analog devices and manual tools that the EEC couldn't track. He set to work on the vial, carefully connecting it to a contraption that hummed to life.

"Let's see what secrets you’re hiding," Rafe muttered, as the machine began to decode the contents of the vial. Lila watched anxiously, the soft glow of the device reflecting in her wide eyes.

As the machine processed the emotions, a series of data streams appeared on the screen. Rafe’s expression grew darker with each passing second.

"Lila," he said, his voice low and tense, "you were right. This isn’t just pure joy. It’s been engineered to induce compliance and docility. The EEC is planning to release it into the public to keep everyone under control."

Lila’s heart raced. "We have to stop them. We have to tell everyone."

Rafe shook his head. "It's not that simple. The EEC has eyes and ears everywhere. If they catch us, they'll wipe our memories or worse. We need a plan, and we need allies."

Just then, the door to the hidden room burst open. Two EEC enforcers stood there, their expressions cold and unyielding.

"There they are! Don’t let them escape!"

Rafe grabbed Lila’s hand, pulling her towards a hidden exit. "Run, Lila! We’ll figure out the rest later. Just run!"

Together, they sprinted into the night, the weight of the vial’s dark secret driving them forward. The future of Lumina depended on their next move, and failure was not an option.

Chapter 3: The Compliance Conspiracy

The alleyways of Lumina blurred into a labyrinth of shadows as Lila and Rafe ran, their breaths echoing off the cold, metallic walls. They finally stopped at a hidden safehouse, panting and exhausted. Rafe secured the door, ensuring they were safe for the moment.

"We can't keep running like this," Lila said, her voice shaky but resolute. "We need to find a way to stop them."

Rafe nodded, his expression grim. "Agreed. But we need more information and allies. We can't do this alone."

Just then, the door creaked open and **Maya** stepped in, her emerald gown shimmering in the dim light. Her face lit up when she saw Lila. "Lila! I've been looking everywhere for you. What’s going on?"

Lila hesitated, then quickly explained everything to Maya: the conspiracy, the mind-numbing serum, and their desperate need to stop the EEC. Maya listened intently, her eyes widening in shock and fear.

"That's... that's horrifying," Maya whispered. "But what can we do?"

"We need proof," Rafe said. "We need to show the world what the EEC is doing. And we need to find out how to counteract the serum."

Maya nodded, determination setting in her features. "I want to help. What can I do?"

Rafe handed her the vial. "We need someone to test this. We need to understand its effects completely. Are you sure you're up for it?"

Maya looked at the vial, then back at Lila. "If it means stopping the EEC, I'll do it."

Lila's heart clenched with fear for her friend. "Maya, are you sure? This could be dangerous."

Maya smiled bravely. "For you, for us, for everyone… I’m sure."

They set up in a hidden room within the safehouse, dimly lit and filled with old-world tech that Rafe had collected. Maya sat down, and Lila held her hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

Rafe carefully injected a small dose of the serum into Maya's arm. They watched as her expression shifted almost immediately. Her eyes glazed over, and her body relaxed, slumping back into the chair.

"Maya, can you hear me?" Lila asked, her voice trembling.

Maya nodded slowly, her movements sluggish. "Yes… I can hear you."

"How do you feel?" Rafe asked, his tone professional but concerned.

"I feel… calm. So calm," Maya replied, her voice monotonous. "I don’t feel worried about anything. Everything is… fine."

Lila’s eyes filled with tears. "Maya, you have to fight it. Try to stay with us."

Maya blinked slowly, her eyes struggling to focus. "I… I’ll try."

For the next hour, Maya's responses grew increasingly compliant. Lila and Rafe tested her reactions, asking questions and giving simple commands. Each time, Maya responded without hesitation, her will seemingly eroded by the serum.

"Stand up," Rafe instructed.

Maya rose smoothly, her movements fluid yet devoid of personal agency. She stood silently, awaiting further instructions.

"Tell us about your happiest memory," Lila prompted, hoping to spark some semblance of resistance.

Maya's face remained impassive. "My happiest memory is irrelevant. I exist to serve."

Lila's heart sank. The serum's effects were undeniable. Maya, once vibrant and full of life, was now a shadow of herself, stripped of her willpower.

"Rafe, we have to reverse this. There has to be a way."

Rafe nodded. "We need to find an antidote. But first, we need more information about the serum’s composition and how it interacts with the brain. The EEC keeps detailed records of all their projects. We need to get inside their main facility."

Lila’s fear gave way to determination. "Then we break in. We get the information we need, and we save Maya."

As they planned their next move, Rafe began to reveal more about his past. "I used to work for the EEC," he admitted, his voice tinged with bitterness. "I believed in their vision once. I thought we were making the world a better place. But when I discovered their true intentions, I couldn’t stand by and watch."

Lila listened intently, her respect for Rafe growing. "So that’s why you left?"

"Yes," Rafe said. "And it’s why I’ve been fighting them ever since. I have contacts inside who might help us, but it’s risky."

Lila nodded, her resolve firm. "We have to take that risk. For Maya, for everyone."

They spent the next few hours strategizing, using Rafe’s inside knowledge to plan their infiltration of the EEC’s main facility. Lila’s empathic abilities would be crucial in sensing and manipulating the emotions of the guards and workers, giving them an edge.

As they prepared to leave, Maya’s condition remained a stark reminder of what was at stake. Lila kissed her friend’s forehead gently. "We’ll be back soon, Maya. Just hold on."

Maya’s eyes, though dulled by the serum, flickered with a faint trace of her former self. "I trust you, Lila."

With a final glance at the safehouse, Lila and Rafe set out into the night, ready to confront the heart of the EEC’s dark empire. The future of Lumina depended on their success, and failure was not an option.

The saga of Emotion Traders is far from over! Join us on the SatinLovers blog as the story continues to unfold. Follow Lila and Rafe as they battle the insidious forces of the EEC, uncover deeper conspiracies, and ignite a revolution that will reshape the world of Lumina. Stay tuned for each thrilling installment, where new allies emerge, old secrets are revealed, and the fight for emotional freedom reaches new heights. Don't miss a moment of this captivating journey—visit the SatinLovers blog and immerse yourself in the next exciting chapters!


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